It is very easy to slump over the desk while engaged in a typical working day. It's especially at times when you're at home or in the office and still working in corporate jobs. Most modern jobs make the employees sit for longer hours, leading to discomfort and even a reduction in productivity. There may be a simple yet effective way of dealing with all these, though. Enter the anti-lethargy mat as a game-changer for your comfort, well-being, and overall work performance. The new comfort mats that come in innovative designs have a proven ability to alleviate fatigue, improve circulation, and even offer physical support essential to any workspace. Learn how anti-lethargy mats can change your day. What Are Anti-lethargy Mats? Anti-lethargy mats are cushioned floors intended to provide support to the body in case there are long hours of standing. Materials used in making such mats include rubber, foam, or gel, all made to relieve pressure on the feet, legs, and back through...